Indian Biscuit Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Segmentation
Market Size
Market Peculiarities
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares
Products/prices/pack sizes

Executive Summary:
Biscuit industry is the largest segment of the grain milling industry and constitutes about 55-60% of the entire bakery range. In the past several years MNCs like Cadbury, Brooke Bond and Nestle tried to enter into the biscuit segment but were not successful. These players found it difficult to compete with the unorganised sector players in the lower / popular segment of the market in view of intense price competition. In the upper end of the market, the market size was small. With the de-control, several global players have entered the market and more players are expected to set up shop in the country. Infoquest India’s report on the biscuit market in India gives the salient features of the industry in a clear and concise format.

Indian Carbonated Soft Drink Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Segmentation
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares
Products/prices/pack sizes

Executive Summary:
More and more consumers are quenching their thirst with nature’s most basic drink: water; and the next best being consumed are fruit juices and drinks. The fizz appears to be all but gone from the carbonated soft drinks market.

Though, the Cola giants have widened the basket by setting up new strategies, the foam seems to be fading. A clear shift in taste has come through, with the market for carbonated soft drinks growing at a declining rate. Ironically, the market for non-carbonated soft drinks is increasing at a faster rate.

Indian Breakfast Cereals Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Segmentation
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares
Shares, Products/prices/pack sizes

Executive Summary:
The breakfast foods industry in India comprises of products like cornflakes, oats, muesli, and most importantly the raw dalia (wheat porridge). The western breakfast cereal in the form of ‘corn flakes’ and ‘oatmeal’ is to some extent replacing traditional popular Indian breakfast items, namely, ‘paranthas’ in the north, ‘pav’ and ‘poha’ in the west, ‘puffed rice’ in the east, and ‘idli’ and ‘dosa’ in the south, among the high and middle high-income households in urban India.

Indian Butter Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Segmentation
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares

Executive Summary:
Most Indians prefer to eat home made butter (makhan) for reasons of taste and affordability. Table butter as Westerners understand forms only 10% of the total butter consumed in the country. Infoquest India’s report on the butter market in India gives the salient features of the industry in a clear and concise format.

Indian Packaged Drinking Water Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares
Marketing Costs, Distribution
Capacity Expansions
Bulk Water
International Forays
Pesticide Controversy
Water Purifiers Market

Executive Summary:
With over two thousand bottled water producers, the Indian bottled water industry is big by even international standards. There are more than 1000 brands (including regional and local), nearly 90 per cent of which are local/unlicensed. Most of the small-scale producers serve small markets. In fact, making bottled water is today a cottage industry in the country. Leave alone the metros, where a bottled-water manufacturer can be found even in a one-room shop, in every medium and small city and even some prosperous rural areas there are bottled water manufacturers.

Indian Coffee Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Consumption Trends in India
Consumer Attitudes
Region-wise Tastes
Market Segmentation
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares
Out of Home Consumption

Executive Summary:
Till recently, the coffee board directed the sale of coffee in India. Coffee growers had to sell 100% of their production to the board till 1994. Thereafter, it was brought down to 30%. This quota system has now been abolished completely since 1997.

After being stagnant in the 1990s at 50-55 million kg, coffee consumption in the country started growing in the current decade.


Indian Edible Oils Market

Table of Content:
Market Potential
Edible Oil Demand Projection
Types of Oils Commonly Used in India
Consumption Pattern of Edible Oils in India
Major Features of Edible Oil Economy,
Policy on Import of Edible Oils
Import of Edible Oils
Distribution /Import of edible oils under PDS
Regulation/Control Order
Market Overview
Market Size
Market Segmentation
Five Year Trends
Market Peculiarities
Major Players & Market Shares

Executive Summary:
India is the world’s fourth largest edible oil economy, after USA, China and Brazil, with 15,000 oil mills, 711 solvent extraction units, and 264 vanaspati plants; and over 1,000 refineries employing more than one million people. India being deficient in oils has to import 40% of its consumption requirements.

Indian Bread Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares

Executive Summary:
Bread consumed in India can be segmented as traditional and western. Traditional breads in India are of many kinds and differ from region to region.

Western bread is primarily white or brown sliced bread. Other types of bread like fruit bread, etc have negligible sales. Bread is seen as a snack/food supplement among lower middle and middle-income group people in urban areas. In Western India, it is called ‘pav’, primarily, a low cost under baked bread manufactured by the unorganized sector.

Indian Cheese Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Segmentation
Market Peculiarities
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares

Executive Summary:
Cheese is regarded as a breakfast food in India. Dominated by the organized sector players, the market has been growing between 15% to 20% per annum. The major consumption of cheese can be seen in the urban areas. The 4 metros accounted for more than 50 % of consumption. Mumbai is the largest cheese consuming market accounting for 30%, followed by Delhi at 20%, Calcutta at 7% and Chennai at 6 %.

Indian Salt Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Segmentation
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares

Executive Summary:
In India most of the salt is produced through salt pans and there is very little salt mined (rock salt), as against in the US where almost 31% is rock salt. Besides this, edible salt is produced through a refining or vacuum evaporation process. In India, it was in 1983 that a policy decision was taken to iodized salt meant for human consumption. This came to be known as the Universal Salt Iodisation programme. Interestingly, the private sector, which now accounts for nearly 97.5 per cent of the total salt production, was permitted and encouraged to produce iodised salt.

Indian Fruit Juices & Drinks Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Segmentation
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares

Executive Summary:
For Indians drinking juice is not a new concept. Street corner vendors have been popular for years. Fruit juices in the unorganized segment are considered cheaper and fresher by the consumers, even though they are relatively unhygienic. The organized natural juice market is currently in a nascent stage-though it is growing at a healthy 35-40 percent rate per annum. This market has had high entry barriers. Few customers are convinced about packaged juices being preservative free, and therefore, as healthy as freshly squeezed juice. The drinks market is relatively more mature and growing at 20-25 percent.

Indian Ice-Cream Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Segmentation
Market Peculiarities
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares

Executive Summary:
The Indian ice cream market was until recently reserved for the small-scale sector. It was opened to large-scale manufacture only in 1997. Since then the market has been witnessing fierce battles and huge investments on the part of major players in cold chains and infrastructure. The overall industry has been growing at a sluggish rate of 3-4 %. But the organized sector has been growing in the region of 12-15 % over the last five years. Infoquest India’s report on ice-cream market in India gives the salient features of the industry in a clear and concise format.

Indian Malted Beverages Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Segmentation
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares

Executive Summary:
Demand for malted drinks had fallen in 1980’s after Operation Flood made India a milk abundant country. But, during 1995-1998, the industry grew at phenomenally high rates, year on year basis. During 1998-99, the segment grew only at 5% per annum. After 1999, the market grew at an average of 10% per annum in volume terms. In 2002 the market began declining.

But, today, malted/milk-based beverages segment has taken off, and is currently growing at about 20 per cent a year.

Indian Milk Market

Table of Content:
Dairy Movement in India
Market Overview
Government Policies
Market Peculiarities
Market Segmentation
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares

Executive Summary:
From a milk deficient country in the early 1960s, India has emerged as the world’s largest producer of milk with 109.1 million tonnes milk production in the year 2009.The dairy cooperative movement in India continues to be unparalleled in the world in terms of its scope and scale.
Operation Flood achieved phenomenal success: trebling India’s annual milk production from 21 million tonnes in 1968 to 74 million tonnes in 1999. Nearly 9 million small producers in 74,000 villages began supplying hygienic and fair priced milk to 300 million consumers and earning revenues of Rs 25 billion in the process.

Indian Pasta Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Segmentation
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares
Products/prices/pack sizes

Executive Summary:
The Indians know pasta as vermicelli, which is eaten in sweetened form, while, it’s Italian counterpart is eaten mostly as a meal and is salted.

The sector is largely in the hands of small, unorganized players. Pasta as understood by the Westerner has a very small market and is restricted to large cities. Most of the production of vermicelli in India is in the unorganized sector and there are only about 10 organized players in the market.

Indian Pastes/Purees/Chutney Market

The size of the cooking paste market is miniscule and Dabur is the only major player selling on a national level; the rest of the market is with the regional players. With an increasing number of women opting to work outside their homes, it has become evident that fewer of them would have the time or inclination to cook mouth-watering delicacies for the family. Thus, over the past 10 years, a gradual change has been seen in the urban Indian middle-class households.

Indian Ready Meals Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Segmentation
Market Peculiarities
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares
Products/prices/pack sizes

Executive Summary:
The market for food is simply huge and estimated to be Rs 5000 billion annually. It is growing for two main reasons: population growth and improvement in consumers’ spending ability. The ready-to-eat segment is small but growing. Corporate are only now beginning to look at the huge potential this segment can offer. The market is expected to grow five-fold in next 5 years.

Indian Sugar Candies/Toffees

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Peculiarities
Market Segmentation
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares
Segment-wise Market Shares

Executive Summary:
Though the industry size is very large (it was almost 140,000 tonnes in 1998, it was littered with small, unorganized players who were mainly present in the lower end of the segment. Organized market for sugar confectionery was estimated to be 85, 000 tonnes (60%) in 1998, valued around Rs.9 billion. The unorganized sector contributed around 55, 000 tonnes (40%). The fragmented nature of the industry has proved to be a disincentive for many a branded player in the past. However, this is slowly changing. Infoquest India’s report on the sugar confectionery market in India gives the salient features of the industry in a clear and concise format.

Indian Gum/Mints/Freshners

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Peculiarities
Market Segmentation
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares
Segment-wise Market Shares

Executive Summary:
Despite the promise it shows, the category still needs a fair share of concept selling. Add to that negligible brand loyalty, which leaves marketers little choice but to dole out big money on general hard sell. Infoquest India’s report on the gum market in India gives the salient features of the industry in a clear and concise format.

Indian Chocolates Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Segmentation
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares
Segment-wise Market Shares

Executive Summary:
Both chocolate and sugar confectioneries have abysmally low penetration levels, infact, even lower than biscuits, which reach 56 per cent of the households. Infoquest India’s report on the chocolate market in India gives the salient features of the industry in a clear and concise format.

Indian Confectionery Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market peculiarities
Market Segmentation
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares of all three categories-chocolates
sugar and gums

Executive Summary:
Both chocolate and sugar confectioneries have abysmally low penetration levels in India, infact, even lower than biscuits, which reach 56 per cent of the households. Confectionery is a complicated market in India, where factors such as bulk sugar prices; government policy and mass-market distribution play an important role in driving the volumes. Infoquest India’s report on the confectionery market in India gives the salient features of the industry in a clear and concise format. The report covers chocolates, hard boiled sugar confectionery and gums/mints etc.

Indian Curd (Yoghurt) Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Size
Five Year Trend
Major Players
Brands & Market Shares
Company Profiles

Executive Summary:
India is regarded as the first country to have developed products like dahi (yoghurt), makkhan and ghee and to use them in daily diet.
Dahi (curd or yoghurt) is obtained by fermenting milk. In the process, the digestibility of milk constituents’ improves. The product is widely consumed along with meals. Dahi is one of the basic foods in India, although the manner in which it is consumed varies. In the North it is consumed for breakfast with paranthas, as well as, eaten with meals, whereas, in the South it is mixed with rice or served as a side-dish for lunch or dinner.
Nearly 46 per cent of the total milk production is consumed as liquid milk. 47 per cent is converted into traditional products like (cottage butter) makhan, ghee, (cottage cheese) paneer, khoya, curd, etc. Only 7 per cent of the milk is used in the production of western products like milk powders, processed cheese, and processed butter. The unorganized sector accounts for more than 50 per cent of all milk and dairy products.

Indian Spices/Masalas Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Industry Structure
Market Segmentation
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares
Products/prices/pack sizes

Executive Summary:
India’s share in the world trade of spice is 25 per cent in value terms and 40 per cent in volume. Indian spices are famous for their captive flavour and aroma lending the Indian food its exquisite taste. These spices are used widely in the areas of pharmaceuticals, neutraceuticals, perfumery, toiletry and cosmetics.

Indian Flavoured Milk Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Segmentation
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares
Products/prices/pack sizes

Executive Summary:
Flavoured milk as a concept is not new to India. For centuries the rich and the affluent had their milk flavoured with traditional condiments, like ellaichi (cardamom), kesar (saffron), badam (almonds), etc. The drinks were not just consumed for taste, but their immense health benefits. However, over the years with less time available for such additional chores, and flavourings becoming exorbitant, more and more, difficult to prepare.

But now, increasing health consciousness among people, economic and demographic changes, including rising disposable incomes, growing proportion of working women, as well as, a greater awareness to the global trends has increased the demand of milk based drinks.

Indian Soup Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Segmentation
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares

Executive Summary:
Packaged soups were introduced for the first time in India in an organized manner in 1989. The market for packaged soups is growing at the rate of 20 percent per annum, which as per industry is due to the media blitz by the top players. Infoquest India’s report on the soup market in India gives the salient features of the industry in a clear and concise format.

Indian Tea Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Government Regulations
Duties, Market Segmentation
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares
Out of home tea market

Executive Summary:
India is the largest producer of tea in the world with annual production of over 981 million kgs in 2008, representing over 26% of world production of 3.2 billion kgs. In eight years, for the first time India fell short of production in CY06. Total demand was 1,000 million kg against the total production of 982 million kg.

Indian Desserts Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Segmentation
Market Peculiarities
Market Size
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares
Products/prices/pack sizes

Executive Summary:
Through millennia, Indian sweet delights have gone through waves of innovations, both in product formulations and processing by unsung master-confectioners. Traditional methods of ethnic sweet-making now are being integrated with modern culinary technology. The Indian traditional sweet market is huge with thousands and thousands of sweetmeat makers at the cottage level. Among branded players there are very few and more with regional influence than national presence.
Presently, the annual production of traditional sweets in India is estimated anywhere around 5 million tonnes, valued around Rs.800 billion or USD 18 billion approximately.
With increasing disposable incomes and changing life-styles, eating habits have also witnessed a definite shift. More people are experimenting with western desserts.

Indian Savoury Snacks Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Segmentation
Market Size by Volume and Value
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares
Products/prices/pack sizes

Executive Summary:
Savoury snacks have been a part of Indian food habit, since almost ages. They are normally consumed at teatime. The variety is almost mind-boggling with specialties from all regions, which have gained national acceptance. Total industry has been growing around 7% per annum, while, the branded segment is growing around 25% per annum. Major players are PepsiCo’s Frito Lays and Haldiram. Infoquest India’s report on the savoury snacks market in India gives the salient features of the industry in a clear and concise format.

Indian Bread Spreads Market

Table of Content:
Market Overview
Market Segmentation
Butter, Margarine
Market Size for each category
Five Year Trends
Major Players & Market Shares for each category

Executive Summary:
The traditional Indian bread has been eaten in the form of rotis or chapattis (wheat flour kneaded and rolled into pancakes; and baked on skillets). The spread used on it by people who could afford it has been ghee (clarified butter) or home made butter. Western table spreads such as butter, margarine, jams and mayonnaise etc, are not very popular in India. All India penetration of table butter/ margarine is only 4%. This is also largely represented by urban areas, where penetration is higher at 9%. In rural areas, table butter/ margarine have penetrated in 2.1% of households only. The use of these products in the large metros is higher, with penetration at 15%.

Indian Pastes/Purees/Chutney Market

Table of Content:

Executive Summary:
Under Updation

Indian Sauces Market

Table of Content:

Executive Summary:
Under Updation